Phil Jarreau is the penultimate freshmen of this round before we go into our summer recruitment season. For a little while then we will be concentrating on our search for new boys to give to you next round. When it comes to Phil, you will get to see more of him in June during our 'Summer Break' series over on BelAmiOnline.
In this first scene he becomes yet another pawn in the ongoing competition between Adam and Andre, who are having a competition as to who can bag the most newcomers. In this scene though, they gallantly decide to share, since they can happily agree that stealing him from Kevin (who he is supposed to be training with) is a more worthwhile goal.
For once, a 3-way scene I actually like (though sorry not to see the interlude with just Adam & Andre brought to a climax)! It helps, as noted by ukutok (7/9/2024), that the orgasms really are ballistic! To answer a question posed by several commenters, the other scenes with Phil Jarreau (all too few) are on the main Bel Ami site. Among his 5 duo scenes there, only the two with Ariel Vanean and Nino Valens are really topnotch IMHO. Both his JO scenes there are excellent ... very natural and hot in a quiet way. Phil is one hot boy. A real pity he didn't stick around long with BA. Teamed so nicely here with two of Bel Ami's greatest legendary performers!
Oh, and the orgasms were absolutely ballistic!
Where are the other scenes with Phil Jarreau ? pleaaaaase
Under the Phil Jarreau, it is said that you have done several scenes with him. Where are they?
Would really like to see Phil return for more. 3 great cum shots! Too bad none of the three boys left with cum in their mouth. Still really liked the scene though!
Gosh -- whatever happened to Phil? He's adorable and seemed very promising in this scene. But I have to point out a missed opportunity for a rare shot -- a bottom, while being fucked, rimming a third model. Watch what happens at 15:50 when Adam insinuates himself underneath Phil. Adam throws his legs back and I so wanted Phil to dive in for a few minutes of deep, wet, luxurious rimming of Adam's asshole as Andre continued to fuck Phil. I know that this is a bit of a fetish interest of mine (bottom rimming while being fucked) but please look for opportunities where this shot could be deployed. It would have been just perfect here as Adam's asshole was beautifully presented at perfect angle for great camera work and superb rimming.
Delicious!! Phil was one lucky guy!!
Buenas corridas si señor. I like Phil.
Calm boys, calm and more serenity, but remember that the walk of this boys in Belami o Freshmen depend a loot to our opinion, so i invite all to be more benevolent in our opinions, this boys was in start of his walk and disturb me that a my opinion too much hard can have a breck in this walk
Eh bien j'ai passé un excellent moment en regardant Adam, André et le jeune et beau Phil. Le reste ne m'intéresse pas. Continuer à nous faire rêver Freshmen!
Like this scene! Adam and Andre (love his white skin body and matte complexion) are magnificent and sexy rascals with a great complicity! Phil is a good surprise! I change completely my mind about him. Fine cumshots with wasting loads but it was necessary for a pleasant symmetry. 5*
Thank you JLW - well said. BelAmi and Freshmen are not the places to exchange insults, or abuse the models and organisation. It's bad enough to indulge in this type of crass behaviour on Facebook, Twitter, or other sites, without contaminating websites that the rest of us are enjoying. The vast majority of us comment in a sane, sensible manner withour descending to the poisonous level shown by these puerile beings. Right, I've had my say, and not in the mood now to pass my positive remarks on this scene with Phil, Adam and Andre.
let's leave this space for comments on the scene, not comments on comments. I'll remove any that we think are inappropriate but lets respect that everyone may have a different view. Guys, if you adjust your comments now to relate to the scene it will automatically overwrite the last one. thanks
I think orteivel and sbba96 should exchange email addresses and take their feud private. Frankly it is just BORING and a distraction to the rest of us who just want to take pleasure in the site. In today's polarized world, there are MANY who would deprive us of any opportunity to view male same sex activity. We should be so grateful to see these beautiful, totally non-malicious guys engage in mutually consented to acts of tenderness and lust. I feel confident I would enjoy just being around the BA models even without taking them to bed, just to savor their attractiveness and youthful enthusiasm. BTW, Adam can "abuse me" anytime, forcing me to worship his huge cock and endure the "humiliation" of being inundated by jets of his hot semen. The "abused" boys certainly have no problem with becoming erect and having an orgasm to top everything off. I loved the ending, with everyone drowning in young cum.
@sbba96: Keep it up ... keep adding to the personal attacks. Adding fresh insults with each reposte is hardly an effective deterrent against members who comment candidly. How I rate and to which scene I give 5 star is my business and mine only. And as to the reason for rating the way I do, I am free to apply whatever criteria that please me. I don't have to run them by you. My opinions about scenes and models are my own. I do not speak for anyone else. And you need to mind your own business about me UNLESS YOU HAVE BEEN AUTHORIZED TO ACT ON BEHALF OF BELAMI, OR YOU HAVE BEEN APPOINTED TO THEIR GOON SQUAD, OR YOU HAVE SELF-AUTHORIZED. What is obvious is that you are trying to silence me by way of insults. Are insults your way of shaming others into some sort of conformity? It won't work. We can carry this on as long as you wish. We can continue lessening the experience of other members who read comments, or we can let it go. You launched the first insult, so it is you who must either apologize, or remove the insults from your comment. And that will be the end of this nonsense. - - - PREVIOUSLY POSTED: If you are afraid my ideas might be "taken on" means you do have a vested interest. My opinion that lately, on FRESHMEN, Adam is being rather abusive of the new models, remains, whether you approve of it or not. I don't appreciate your insults. And I don't see why other members' comments should be your business unless you have a vested interest in delegitimizing comments by other members when those comments are unsympathetic, frank and direct. My comment about Adam is stated politely. It is my view that this is gang-ho scene with the Description and the dialogue to boot. I find it offensive and I want the editors of the site to know it. Others also don't like this scene. So far, the ratings are 4.6*. That's poor considering Phil's high potential, and that Adam and Andre, on their own, and in other settings, are excellent models. And while I am at it, I also want to point out that the past 3 weeks have been very disappointing to me. The ratings speak for themselves: 4.0*, 4.1* (Miguel and Gino), 4.5*, 4.6* (Kieran and Dylan) and this one currently at 4.6*.
Welcome, Phil. You remind me a bit of Nate Donaghy & I thought you handled two of our favorite BA/FM sex meisters very well.
I like phil, handsome, nice belly, good cumshot
Please have more Andre scene!
Andre and Adam are a perfect training team! Would that we could see more of them giving the new boys a treatment like they did for Roger Lambert so long ago, still the stuff of Bel Ami legend!
It is wonderful to see Andre, but I want to see his beautiful butt!
It's always great to see Andre, we don't see enough of him these days
Doesn't work for me at all. Boring! This is a BA scene, not a Freshmen.
If this is what orteiavel calls "being abusive and a user," Adam can cum see me anytime!
Adam is abusive and a user? orteiavel, your comments get sillier by the day! Pleasing to see the superb all-stars Adam and Andre again. I didn’t really like Phil’s casting, and his model image below doesn’t look too good either, though I enjoyed seeing Phil in motion, in this scene. Phil reminds me somewhat of Enzo Sky from Staxus, who I think is appealing, in a boy next door kind of way. I’m interested to see some more of Phil. TO orteiavel: You think the ratings for those scenes are low because they're too much for someone like you, orteiavel? *eye roll* If your ideas were taken on, orteiavel, the ratings would probably be even lower! And no, your insult against Adam wasn't polite. SECOND RESPONSE TO orteiavel: A vested interest in what? The site? Doesn’t every stakeholder (which includes members) have a vested interest in the site? I have no idea what you’re talking about orteiavel. However, I’m not worried about anyone taking your concerns about models like Adam being ‘abusive’ very seriously. If the above scene is too much for you orteiavel, perhaps watching pornography isn’t healthy for you. It’s also interesting you wrote ‘5 stars.’ on Damian and Bastian’s scene, as that scene was a lot more forceful (not a complaint from me) than the above scene. I think the source of your dislike for the above scene is Adam in general, orteiavel. Just admit it, and stop with the histrionic comments about abuse and whatever else!
I'm always happy to see two of my all times favorites, Adam and Andre, especially when working in team. Phil's looks aren't my exact cup of tea, though I must say, in his behalf, that he seemed to enjoy his traing very much. But then, who wouldn't enjoy being loved by BOTH Adam and Andre?
Lucky Phil, to receive the undivided attentions of the fabulous A Team. He fully deserved them and is a fine addition to BA's next generation of star performers.
It is always wonderful to see Andre, especially when he is together with Adam. They are so much into each other and their love making is always very intense and sweet. Phil must have enjoyed this greatly, it seems that both Andre and Adam were into him very much as well And I don't blame them: I think he did very well and is attractive as a sexual partner. I like the plot, Andre and Adam stealing trainees, as far as I am concerned this plot can be repeated many times to come. Ah well, any plot can be repeated over and over, as long as it has Andre in it.
1 star
Phil is a natural....another beautiful boy with an appealing seductive personality...of course Adam and Andre are their usual sexual selves and the cum shots were volcanic......BA/FM never fails to entertain ....more please
Love all three guys, but the cumshot angles were a little weird.. Would have been better as a facial.