One of Serge’s first scenes is with Andre Boleyn. While the scene is not perfect, Serge Does some splendid work as a newcomer and we all know how much you enjoy seeing anything with Andre. As Dehanoia says, “This may not be a perfect scene, but it is perfectly enjoyable”.
Andre is so perfect and beautiful, even after all the time since we met him. Serge is cute and a nice body (shame about the cut cock). I am watching this from 2022 and I was looking back on Serge to see how he started - and he started well! I wish that we could see more of the gorgeous Andre, as I've always been a big fan.
Andre a good dessert for Serge with lots of fucking, kissing, lovely bodies.
Very good for my jack off.
Absolutely delicious!!
Serge's penis and balls look so scrumptious!
Man - Andre looks more and more delicious and the shots of his wonderful ass as he fucked the very willing Serge were delightful. Serge is amazingly sexy and I hope to see him many more times!
Andre looks gorgeous. I hope we can enjoy him for many years to come.
My perfect Andre man handling a newbie hottie.
Hot training scene even not perfect!!!. With Andre the great! Serge is full of good willing! His ass is nice and his superb hole widely opened very inviting! Usual cum geyser from Andre!!!
Even though Serge has a mole next to his hole this is a hot scene.
For me finally a PERFECT scene! HOT as it is.......! Both are hot as a pistol with great camerawork!
All three sex scenes today (I include Kevin/Jerry) end with the top re-entering after coming.. As ever, Andre is as charismatic as Christian and Kevin, while inexperienced and likeable Serge does well and has great potential.
Good idea to pair the strikingly handsome, Claudesque newbie, Serge, with the excellent BA all-star Andre. A nice scene.
In line with MDindon's nice jargon, may I add that the floral rosebud waits for it's morning dew, here Serge's eager rosebud gets the abundant seminal dew of wonderful Andre. You can never beat nature!
I would call this scene "very enjoyable" because for his first full action scene Serge did it very well, more profession can´t be expected at the beginning. But I´m sure there is a lot of potential with Serge. Andre did it like I expected it from the last weeks preview: Perfect always - and as a teacher as well. 5 stars.
Andre uses the pedagogical technique of instruction and test in one, which can only be used by the most experienced teachers with their advanced and/or most talented pupils. I think both Andre and Serge passed with flying colours. Serge clearly is not an advanced student yet, but he proves to be very talented. As for Andre, who could be surprised that he possesses all the skills to be able to use the instruction and test in one procedure. And he adds so much more to it: kindness, sweetness, caring love making and a beautiful body to top it all off. Once again a fabulous Andre episode!
Andre certainly earned his salary on this one -- what a trouper. Serge -- I'll have to wait and see; he could blossom into a superstar, he has the body, cock, and looks to fit in, and certainly comes across as fresh and inexperienced here. But he only registered one fairly grim response throughout, suggesting "what the hell have I gotten myself into here?" Some highlights, though: Rimming beginning at 9
8 -- what a glistening, moist orifice and Andre services it beautifully. 18:00 gaping hole and hands-free reentry. And what a beautiful rosebud Serge presents as Andre squirts all over him. That's an unusually beautiful asshole -- engorged, red/purple, with just a halo of soft dark hair. Yummy. I'd have enjoyed much more deep, open mouth kissing -- tongue sucking, tongue insertion, etc. Andre's fucking technique didn't show his years of experience, though -- same ol' in-and-out without many balls-deep penetrations. I think Serge is promising, and will perhaps generate a little more onscreen heat when he's had more experience. Don't give up on him, please.
i have a weakness fo Serge, is so beautiful and fresh, than Andre is a super star, 5+++ stars
Andre = PERFECTION - Die SPITZE - IMMER FUCKTASTIC - UberSizzluscious and Tres Sizzlicious...the IDEAL MAN....!!! and Serge is damn lucky to have him.