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Andre & Tommy (Issue #3 - Twink Special)

Altogether we have 3 scenes with Tommy and Andre together.  You have already seen their blowjob in the last KinkyAngels, today we will present their Jerk Off scene and in 2 weeks you will see the full sex training scene.  In all cases we are eager for your feedback on Tommy (we already know what you think about Andre). He has filmed 12 scenes already but we are not sure about keeping him longer or not.



l***** - 09/11/2024 12:27

I wish we could see more videos end like this. There is something very sexual and emotional when these hot guys take a passive role whilst they orgasm. A guy giving you a handjob or even better a blowjob whilst you climax is one of deep passion, and is indeed an art. Rare, but the ultimate sexual devotion... Thanks for this!

G***** - 04/17/2024 15:59

This one is very mild interest, only because of Andre's orgasm (impressive as usual). Maybe Tommy will develop into a good performer, who knows? The incompetent videographer here failed even to catch the moment when Tommy came! And it's a pity Andre had to jack himself off. Like other commenters, I think HJs are so hot! We need more videos in which one performer jacks the off all the way to orgasm. That can feel so sexy and out-of-control!

D***** - 05/01/2021 22:13

Tommy Poulain is the sweetest boy. He has the most beautiful eyes, cheerful smile, and delicious kissable lips. I just don't understand some of the negative comments that have been made about him. Every actor/model has their own personality. They can't all be stamped out of a mold. Tommy Poulain possesses some great qualities, like the fact that he turns me on, makes my dick hard, and is so easy to love.

d***** - 04/26/2020 12:54

Tommy should have a chance as he can make love with the best of them, you should not just put him down without giving him time, Andre he is okay but not blown away. Andre is very nice with a lot of personality

A***** - 03/19/2017 5:54

I am blind to the appeal of Andre, and always have been. To me, he seems too self-oriented, and because intelligence has been questioned with respect to young Mr. Poulain, I have noticed that several of Andre's on-camera remarks (e.g., in Barcelona) are vapid.

x***** - 11/13/2016 14:32

oh my, what a totally adorable babe!! Already in love with Tommy...and that beautiful ass!! His eyes are as disarming as Andre's, which makes him the perfect trainer for this budding beauty!

P***** - 11/11/2016 16:40

Very, very nicely. I quickly joined in, came myself. Satisfied.

p***** - 11/10/2016 19:52

Andre should really become FM's interviewer-in-chief. He is so relaxed, natural and utterly charming; not to mention sexy as hell. I declared him to be "totally adorable" in his pin-up photos 6 years ago and he still is.

r***** - 10/31/2016 19:25

Andre is just beautiful a real star i felt sorry for Tommy just out classed

R***** - 10/31/2016 15:40

I too, like Teewink, love JO scenes. Especially with lots of comparing, foreplay and teasing. Both JO and giving HJs are HOT.

g***** - 10/31/2016 10:40

Andre is the complete package - beautiful inside and out; Teejay pinpointed his very evident generosity of spirit, which he lavishes on cute young Tommy. While not impressed by his recent solo, I am won over by Tommy here, who responds to Andre's gentle, skilful probing in the interview and in the double solo. I expect their full sex scene to be even better and more enjoyable. For the future, Tommy should get even better too.

d***** - 10/30/2016 16:41

Andre has been around for quite a while but he does it for me and has a lot more to offer. #Keeper

t***** - 10/29/2016 14:49

Just splendid. I wish you would show more JO scenes..

o***** - 10/29/2016 11:20

Magnificent Andre! He partners Tommy so well with cleverness, calm, natural, simplicity and affection! He is more and more gorgeous! Tommy is touching by his innocence and ingenuousness! The road will be long to become a star! But he is cute enough and has a delicious ass! Interview part (the best)t is much longer than jerk off scene. Sexual part was better on his first KA appearance! 5* for Andre and his interview!

T***** - 10/28/2016 21:36

With all due respect to Tommy (whom I nonetheless like) it is Andre who commands one's attention here. I am struck all over again not only by his physical beauty but by his generosity of spirit and total professionalism. I can see why Sidemoon is reminded of Caravaggio but I am sure that Andre is superior to the usual ruffians who were Caravaggio's models. It was interesting to hear Andre both revealing something of himself as well as gently teasing information out of Tommy.

v***** - 10/28/2016 20:06

I like Tommy. Think there is potential there. Love the natural pubes & belly hair that he wears.

t***** - 10/28/2016 11:47

It is AWESOME to see Andre again -- he seems to have fallen out of the Belami scene. His cumshot was AMAZING, as always and how far it flew was the truly erotic part of this scene, along with the kissing -- Andre French kisses, which is great. The best part of Tommy (who is much cuter here than in the previous scene he had) is his kissing, which is passionate and he is not hesitant to French kiss. And, the second best thing about Tommy is his butt, which is tan and beautiful -- he will make a great bottom & I hope he & Andre do a flip. So, I give Tommy a thumbs up & would like to see more. I agree with him that his tattoo should be removed -- it is distracting from his beauty. A third plus about Tommy is his nipples, which are great. If he could work out with Kevin to gain more chest & shoulder muscle, that would be great. Andre looks great -- his chest looks like he may have worked out a little as he seems to have more muscle, which is fantastic. But his great gift is that GLORIOUS cumshot & the fact that he hit Tommy on his neck with his first volcanic squirt was the sexiest moment of the whole scene. Five stars & more please of Tommy & Andre.It might help if Tommy's hair is done differently -- perhaps comb it straight back or put it up to give it fuller body.

f***** - 10/28/2016 7:22

Big YES. After seeing Tommy with Andre in their first scene, I was absolutely blown away. A perfect pairing and exceptional chemistry. Since then, I have waited many months hoping to see Tommy again. Your new updated site is brilliant and I am very enthusiastic for it. I very much wish that you give Tommy an opportunity to become a regular addition to Freshmen.

m***** - 10/27/2016 20:06

for me yes for Tommy is a nice boy, perhaps not perfect but the perfection is not in this world, and than have a nice ass seems you not much?

s***** - 10/27/2016 18:39

Does Tommy blow me away? No. But I do like him, modestly.

S***** - 10/27/2016 17:12

Oh, Andre, Andre, - my Caravaggian love, our dark, romantic and gentle Mediterranean beauty, one of the most strikingly flawless BA models ever, a sheer perfection! But Tommy? Not my cup of tea at all, sorry.

b***** - 10/27/2016 16:49

Andre is a wonderful and caring interviewer, he knows how to reassure a newbie and turn him on at the same time. Great to see how quickly both Tommy and Andre became hard. Must have been great fun to jack each other of. Andre's cumshot was marvelous, as always, Tommy's cum looks very tasteful. Andre was the star of the show, of course, but as for Tommy: keep him. He has the best butt, lovely smile and a pleasant and outgoing personality.


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