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Back to Greece part 7 (Issue #286)

„Morning, sunbeams!“ The morning after the big party, Kevin Warhol tries to wake everybody but gives up after a while. Probably it is for the best. The house is very quiet so the production crew can continue working undisturbed with sexy John Kael, Niko Vangelis, Helmut Huxley, Torsten Ullman and others.



A***** - 04/09/2022 18:19

Happy to see my favourites Helmut and Torsten!

a***** - 04/08/2022 18:37

Not sure why but I don't feel as much from this episode. =(

h***** - 04/05/2022 16:58

Wonderful update! I hope to see more of them.

e***** - 04/03/2022 21:52

Sería muy bien para todos, en estos momentos difíciles, repetir algunos de los antiguos y excelentes episodios de KINKY ANGELS y algunos otros. Creo que es una buena idea que agradaría a muchos.

d***** - 03/31/2022 0:26

I loved this. It is so refreshing to see such beautiful men naked in a Grecian setting with bright sunlight and shimmering waters. Really, it is like a slice of heaven, a vision of idyllic life for gay men. It was especially enjoyable to see these men caressing and caring for each other. Thank you BA. This was food for the soul.

w***** - 03/30/2022 22:40

Do all of Torsten's clients get the full body trim?

b***** - 03/29/2022 20:38

Every backstage scene without Jerome is a good scene. Thank you

b***** - 03/29/2022 16:02

I sympathise with jacco2013 : the material this week and next is decidedly thin and unworthy of Freshmen. Given the undoubted difficulties of filming in the present climate, surely it would be better to show repeats of good Kinky Angels material rather than substandard videos from the past. Thom Jacobs, for example, was a nice enough kid but he never set the world on fire. I shall maintain my subscription, but I feel I am getting little for it some weeks.

J***** - 03/29/2022 14:42

As we say in the Netherlands: ‘wat een armoede’. Better showing Kinky Angels video’s (as you once promised on Freshmen after changing the name and still didn’t do) than this. I’m a very loyal member of both your websites, but even I am thinking about leaving. 😔😒


Helmut & Matthieu
Liam & Dylan
Jean-Luc & Raoul
Jim & Jeremy
Sven & Enrique
Pip & Jordan
Bruce & John
Jorik & Tim
Dallas & Jay
Steve & Shane