Our more observant members may have noticed a pattern: Every fourth week of summer features a two-part scene with three of your favourites. This week we have Jarrod Lanvin, Bastian Duffy and Jason Bacall!
Synergy is when two or more agents combine to produce a sum greater than their individual efforts. Here we have the athleticism of Bastian Duffy, the sensuality of Jason Bacall and the mischievousness of Jarrod Lanvin combine in holistic hotness-the complete sexual package.
Cum in mouth...very good.
I love Bastian Dufy so much.
Why not a double penetrated scene ?
Again: Bastian steals the show with his fantastic pubes, we have some furry ass-delights here and nice, intense fucking, so thank you guys!
Delicious continuance! Gorgeous boys!!
Jarrod's quite the stud, Bastian and J. Baxall are fun to see too.
Just more of the wonderful same. I liked Jason from day one - he loves cock!
I saw Jarrod and I left.
Why can't I download any of the photos???
To my mind, Jarrod is amazing. That guy sure knows how to take and dick and give head at he same time. He's no slouch when it comes to cum eating either. Would be happy to see a lot more of him. Bastian and Jason were good too but Jarrod stole the show.
Exactly as mentioned in part 1.
Hot! Nice natural body hairs! I hate trimmers and razors! Bastian is the hairy champion! Delightful cum drop on Jarrod's nipple!
May Jarrod one day get to try that double penetration. A fine performance from him here!
Great filming - I liked the super close ups.
To be honest this scene is boring, as well as boring camerawork!! Goes for part 1 and 2!
Jason is a cutie-pie and I loved seeing him feed Jarrod. Don't let Basti near a razor, he's one hot dude who gives a fine fuck of Jarrod!!
Three fine looking guys giving a great ensemble performance - although the whole aesthetic is sadly marred, as I feared, by the wild and untamed mess that is Bastian's pubic hair. Please someone, buy the boy a trimmer!
Jason is as good a top as he is a bottom and the same goes for Jarrod. I think all three guys enjoyed themselves very much, and so did I.
Ten Stars !
No improvement from part 1, though to be honest, I wasn't expecting one.
5 stars on the pix alone!!
10 stars
While Jarrod didn't get DP'd, he clearly enjoyed taking on Bastian and Jason sequentially for well over 10 minutes. All three are versatile, and I strongly believe that experience in both roles make such performers both better tops and better bottoms.