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Dancing in the Sun (Issue #169 - Freshmen of the Month)

This documentary was filmed just a couple of weeks ago. So, you will get a peek at one of our new Freshmen as well as a few of your favorites. Social Media plays a big part in the lives of many porn stars and they take it very seriously. Thus. a whole day is needed for them to capture the perfect Instagram moments. The unfamiliar face you’ll be lusting after is Ethan Opry. You will be seeing a lot more of him in 2020.



r***** - 09/11/2022 20:58

Very hot! Derek! By the way what’s the name of the soundtrack very cool

m***** - 04/25/2021 19:31

The more of these little docu of the guys doing amazing guy things ij just enchants me all the more. They are all such brilliant guys.

p***** - 01/21/2021 5:03

Thanks for this! Love it!

E***** - 12/04/2020 6:29

Not interested in watching models goofing around

P***** - 05/29/2020 19:10

I can watch this all day, every day. Wonderful on many levels..

d***** - 04/23/2020 13:24

So when are we going to see more of Ethan? He is beautiful! I want to see his cock!

s***** - 04/12/2020 21:49

simply GREAT ! THX !

a***** - 02/15/2020 17:34


D***** - 01/06/2020 7:43

Derek Caravaggio never looked better. He has been working out and building a superb body. But the thing I liked the most is Derek's new short haircut. You can finally see those sexy ears. I love Derek Caravaggio!

t***** - 01/05/2020 11:52

Always good to see our boys. Ethan has caught my eye for sure!

v***** - 01/05/2020 7:41

Ethan elio Paulo derek Jerome what a team love the style and the beauty more please

h***** - 01/03/2020 17:51

I liked this a lot! Gorgeous guys, gorgeous scenery. I hope to see more such things - with more chance to hear the guys speak also.

x***** - 01/03/2020 6:14

Bodies beauriful1!

b***** - 01/01/2020 21:19

I am not sure how to evaluate this episode. It is a good thing to finally see Ethan, hope we will see more (and more nudity) of him at this site very soon. Derek is such a sweet guy without any attitude, and he is very pleasant to look at. For the rest: not all that interesting, sorry.

S***** - 01/01/2020 9:32

Dear God! Watching these gorgeous hunks makes me feel like I've died and gone to heaven. Ethan is STUNNING and GORGEOUS. And, I simply adore his hair. I HOPE THAT NO ONE DARES TO MAKE HIM CUT IT as some are loathe to do. Those muscles, that face, and that beautiful mop of hair!!! I can just imagine that wild mane of luscious hair whipping around while he's deep in hot action in some upcoming video... Now I need to stop drooling... Dear God!!!

g***** - 12/31/2019 21:17

Spectacular adn what a hottie Ethan is. Elio is so much more confident, while Paul and Derek are super-cool. Jerome is the cute daddy who looks great with the haircut.

c***** - 12/31/2019 18:15

First off WOW to Ethan O, you guys are right, I can see all of the fuss and great comments regarding Ethan, and I too hope for more (A bottoming scene for him please). Must say this I hope I do not offend all of you Jerome fans, but, I'm so over Jerome in every scene, its like you cant have a scene without him opening it or plastered all over it. Now total praise for the other models, all being great and promising Elio, Paul, Derek and Ethan. Kevin still looks great and I think continues to get sexier as he matures.

t***** - 12/31/2019 17:28

Gorgeous. Love how you have one of the guys who so far doesn't do all the things the others do; maybe you can get some others like him to do vids like this. Wish it could be in SLO-MO some!

z***** - 12/31/2019 16:20

Elio the new, and now Ethan, woooooow, it can't go on!!! Super guys, well done!

n***** - 12/31/2019 14:59

Super video, well done! Just one observation. Why film hot guys in dork shorts??? In the early days of BA the guys would always wear speedos to show off the best part of the male body. GD, what has happened with this change??? Return to the good ole days BA!!!!

g***** - 12/31/2019 10:55

Can't wait to see more of Ethan!

o***** - 12/31/2019 9:52

Fun! Sun! Beauty! What such a pleasure! Boys are more and more sexy and gorgeous! Happy to see you Derek, finally I like your short hair!!! Ethan your are a jewel! Love your hair!

s***** - 12/31/2019 9:27

Ethan!!! I've been waiting for him so long! Can't wait to see him in action!


Kirk & Elio
Bruce & Christopher
Helmut, Kevin, Jerome & Gino
Jerome & Matthieu
Kieran & Mario
Joel & Pip
Sven, Joel & Serge
Peter & Claude
Kirk & Dan
Jim & Hugo
Hugo & Callum