Your reactions to the preview of this scene leaves us hopeful that its intense erotic nature will be a welcome change to our hardcore material. Fortunately, Kieran and Enrique are comfortable and familiar with each other. If this were not the case, we doubt this type of scene would work as well. As it is, we’re very pleased with the results Luke achieved.
Please remember when you are judging, that this is NOT a full scene, but in place of where you would have had photos.
Luke is a balled Genius!
schau mal Bild 17, der Schwanz mit Vorhaut und die samengenässte Brustwarze, ich werde steif!
This has to be one of the most erotic scenes ever released by KA or, indeed, BA. Both boys have such lovely smooth bodies, both are fit without being over-muscled. KA models seem to veer away from long kissing/ make-out sessions, but this is really lovely. No pressure to penetrate nor to cum. Like others I cannot believe that the boys weren’t raging-hard and leaving trails of pre-cum all over each other. Even the straightest of lads would have been hard-as-nails. Please let’s have more like this. Thanks, KA
I absolutely loved this scene with the exception that it did not culminate in a full blown sex scene. If it had I would have rated it perhaps the most erotic scene ever produced by BA. The music, the closeups, the sweat all worked well. But after about eight minutes with no erections, which I can't understand how anyone can't experience when having such an erotic experience, it became a bit boring. The two models are perfect together and I hope someday we will see something like this that culminates and tender amazing sex with full climax and then falling to sleep together in each others arms.
Beautiful erotic scene, it's unfortunate that there is no story of the end. Unfortunately, the film is not of good quality because sometimes there is dark spot unnatural. I would like to see other presentations of this kind of better technical quality with an end of sexual pleasure. Thank you for this beautiful show.
Loving the close up photography here. Let’s see a follow on in the same style please
A beautiful scene which reminds me of Belami's early works such as "Tender Stranger". It is nice to see that you can still do it. There are only two little flaws in the scene. In one camera position they sweat very hard, while in the next their bodies are dry again. In addition, Enrique's skin color does not appear natural in some shots. The "sweat" doesn't appear to have gotten along with the make-up(?). Nevertheless, it is a very nice scene. A mixture with hardcore at the end could make it perfect.
This is an intensely erotic scene with two very sexy models. How come I was the only one with an erection? I presume, with only one inch of water in the bath, that it was filmed at the height of the Cape Town drought.
Loving how "sweat" is more prominent and damn if Enrique doesn't look good all sweaty.Check him out too with Orri and Bastian wearing that hot sexy sweat sheen.
SOOOOO much delicious sensuality, where do I begin?! Do plenty more of these!! OMG!!!
For me, the lack of a physical arousal during all this nude contact destroys any illusion of real sexual attraction among theses models and reminds me that they are ACTING.
💚 💙 💜 ❤️ 💛 Delicious video, with a very high eroticism never seen before in Belami ... Superb sensations, applauses to the author of this jewel.
Leave it to BelAmi to give us a wonderful, beautiful, new way to enjoy the gorgeous young men they bring to us! One of my favorite things about BA/FM is the documentaries that show us the guys from a different perspective, and this sort of video adds a new dimension to appreciating them. It's often said that something can be incredibly sexy without sex, and here we have perfect proof! I absolutely love this and hope it becomes a regular feature, perhaps alternating weeks with still photos. Kieran & Enrique are beautiful twinks, and I hope we also get to see more muscular guys (perhaps Nils and Torsten) in a video like this! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
An enchantment!!! Pure pleasure of touching, caressing, rubbing, kissing! Fascinating nipples play! Sensuality, chemistry at their best! Eroticism as artwork! Gorgeous Enrique and Kieran both and together! Enrique' sumptuous buttocks! Kieran's voluptuous nipples! Breathtaking! Congratulations! Thank you for so much beauty!!! Well I understand the frustration of some friends and hope to get one day a full fuck scene with these two wonderboys...
On my opinion erotism shouldn't be a taboo in porn scenes. Highly erotic scenes like this one should be the usual foreplay for most of your hardcore vids as a "part one"... As others mentioned below, I only regret that the boys didn't fuck and cum at the end.
Kieran and Enrique are two of my favorites -- I've rated both of them 5 stars many, many times. The boys are both beautiful in this scene too, but I find it perplexing that they could do so much kissing, caressing and rubbing of their naked bodies on each other without either one even getting chubbed up. Is there a (unintended) message here?
Much better than photos! Thanks BA!
J'ai absolument adoré cette scène érotique malgré des commentaires négatifs. Continuez s'il vous plait à le faire de temps en temps. Cela vaut bien une série de photos. Les deux gars sont magnifiquement beau et chaud... +5
Love the erotica very sensual. More please
I agree that it was most sensual but insufficient to cause erections! Two beautiful fellas particularly Enrique to me is perfect. You could "do" more of this type of affection for enjoyment of the likes of me. One other point ...... I hope that you have not forgotten Mark Sullivan and Ryan MacArthur in your archives!
I appreciate the beauty of this as I think many would if they simply read & understood your statement to keep in mind that this was replacing a photo shoot, not a hardcore scene. The guys are so beautiful, but their lack of erections sure threw off most viewers. Perhaps the inclusion of hard dicks would please more. I don't know. You can lead horse to water, but you can't make him take the E.... No wait, oh what the fuck?!?!?!?!?!
I enjoyed this, but I don't understand why the boys weren't turned on enough to get hard.
A cena ficaria melhor com hard dicks depois da cena de workout e no final dois belos cum shots !
Personally I love this kind of scene, with the long closeups of kissing and foreplay. The videography is fantastic and seems much sharper/realistic than the usual videos. I would also agree that it leads the viewer on to expect a hardcore scene - if there was one, the feedback may be different. (even though it says above it's not a full scene!) If this kind of foreplay scene remained separate (instead of a photoshoot) then it would be fine, as long as the hardcore scene was up at the same time.
We need a fuck. We need a glorious cum-filled conclusion. I'll bet they did too.
it might have been all-right but neither model got aroused, seemed unrealistic, although little break from hardcore, probably would work but this scene didn't pull it off , but the models tried thanks guys.
sorry but to me it seems eroticism to the highest state, certainly can not replace a complete sex scene, but I found a nice novelty, the sweaty bodies, the turgid nipples of Kieran, the passionate kisses with the languages that you are looking, the massages on the seat of Enrique, the vision of their two wonderful asses, the rubs, all very sensual and unusual, I found perhaps too many negative comments, quiet the sex scenes will remain, but a scene that for once leaves the space also to the imagination, welcome
Agree with Nusound 85. This would work really well as the prelude to a full action scene, but not as a stand alone posting.
Wonderfully affectinate and very emotional, a soft-porn which is a great treat with two breathtakingly sexy guys who are looking like just made for this: BRAVO, Enrique and Kieran and to the camera operator, too.
I like this episode and I like this style of filming. Kieran and Enrique are highly sensual and erotic together, but then again both of them are highly sensual and erotic models. So with them it works, I don’t think this style of scene would work for a lot of other combinations of BA/FM guys. Me too I am reminded of ‘For the Love of Bali’, but I don’t think it is a fair comparison, let’s face it: Kieran and Enrique are no Andre and Kevin. Could the boys cumming together have enhanced the scene? Probably yes, but only when the transition from the sensual part to the more (but hopefully still sensual) hard-core part would look very natural, so it would probably need a sequence where the models get more aroused gradually.
Kieran is so fucking sexy he could give me a massage any time. Funny that RIETenerik mentions "For the Love of Bali" as this scene made me think of Jim & Jack in the same vein. It would have been nice to see Kieran & Enrique carry the fantasy a bit further.
much,much more off this.perfect erotism. Many thanks for the author.
Beautifully shot but not sure it works as a standalone scene. It might have been more erotic if it looked as though either boy was even slightly aroused by the whole thing but everything was very limp! If the boys were not turned on by it why would we be? I'm all for extended foreplay leading into a full sex scene but it would need the boys to be more into love making than this.
this does'nt work if we gonna get more like this i better quit my membership
Beautifully shot....but not for me....
DOUBLEPLUSUNGOOD!!! bloody frustrating non-fuck!!!...leave the well-decent blue eroticism to COSMOPOLITAN and SEVENTEEN and TIGERBEAT and NICKELODEON....
Love the cinematography and maybe the new lay out you are planning, but it doesn't work for me, I'd prefer if you incorporate these scenes leading to the hardcore part would be better (in my opinion) I'd prefer longer scenes with sensual foreplay leading to a full cum scene.. but kudos though.. =)