That Steve Skarsgaard's future with us is questionable may surprise you. He has a great body, a sweet smile and impressive equipment. I will also say he is willing and accommodating. What's not to love? Despite all these positives I suspect that his sexual appetite falls below what's needed for a first-rate porn star. Thus we present here his best scene, not his first . As sexy and sensual Hoyt always brings out the best in everyone, it may be hard to notice any issues here. As always, we await your feedback (almost) as much as you await each installment!
Hoyt is t he perfect Tom of Finland model!!!
Damn Hoyt! What are you doing to me And Steve, muscular, hot and obviously horny and I love you.
Steve is the best!
Steve has the build and all the equipment so I would vote him in as Steve is lovely.!
It would be a crime not to keep him on!
Steve is a great, hungry bottom. Love him.
Steve is a natural power bottom, who clearly can’t get enough cock. Hoyt is no match for his energy, unfortunately.
Amazing to see how ripped Hoyt has become when you compare him to the chubby boy he was when he arrived at BA. Congratulations Hoyt !
Il corpo di Hoyt è perfetto. Erotismo a 1000.
I vote for Steve owing to his cheerfulness and his unique combination of cuteness and masculinity (except for the artificial lack of secondary hair). As a viewer of Bel Ami since the early online days and before, I think this scene is typical of what happens when a highly rated and experienced “alpha” star is the sexual top to a newcomer. It’s almost a hazing ritual. I wish Bel Ami made fewer of this type of scene because the newcomer is unnecessarily expected to play the bottom role and can seldom do so convincingly. The scene did not look consensual enough. Or, put more plainly, it was not a fair match, and Hoyt took advantage to an excessive degree.
Steve is gorgeous and will pay bach every effort to keep him!
I add my voice in support of Steve - he is a sweet hunk. Hoyt looked after him beautifully.
Gorgeous scene!! Every part was delicious, but the ending just made it perfect! Seeing them go into a shower, beautiful asses to the front and hard dicks in gear, it was my favortie part of the scene...and there were many favorite part!! Gonna enjoy seeing Steve's muscular ass get pounded!!
I like to see that Hoyt is improving his body, now looks less weigth and more defined. Good!
Keep him and give him a chance, if there're not any personal issues involved I am sure he is going to develope into a great model.
Very handsome boys with great bodies. I want to see more of you Steve, but let your public hair grow. Hoyt is great as always. Very nice to see them in the shower together. Please don't let the english text cover their bodies.
Steve, Steve, Steve ... I do see what you mean (re appetite, but only because you mentioned it) - it certainly did not bother me/was not disappointed. There are hopefully options (solo and or emphasis on servicing bla) please do more with him (anything to be honest)! I joined for him and would again - ta ta!
Steve is simply one of the most glorious of young men - what a body (those pecs!) and face!
This kid is a stud and a winner..
I was looking forward to this scene with many expectations. Both guys are breathtakingly handsome, but the scene could be much better in terms of passion and complicity. While Hoyt's acting skills have improved a lot and he's turned a real pro, Steve has still a lot of work to do. His weird faces reveal he probably was a bit nervous and uncomfortable. Anyway, I think Steve is a gem and he's got a big potential and a brilliant future in BA if he improves his acting skills.
AWESOME scene! Love Steve... please, feature him often!
Steve is absolutely stunning and a keeper. Well worth the time to work with him as a model!
Love the muscle on Steve.....he is a keeper.... really keen to see him topping Hoyt.... more of Steve pleeease
Wow...where does BelAmi find these stunning boys? Each one is more breathtaking than the last. .. ❤dr @dr2450 #deathbybelamiboys
Strongest disagreement with raistu on Steve. As all the other comments, I most strongly support keeping Steve as he is one of the most beautiful model finds since Helmut, Joel and Antony. He just needs the training and support you invested with Joel to bring him along. These are first scenes and of course they will be awkward. Go look at Adam's first scene as a bottom -- very awkward. But he developed into the flip scene with Gino that was amazing and today he is a top star. Pair Hoyt and Steve together as you have paired Helmut and Jerome. Invest in his development as you have Helmut and you will see big returns. Please GD do not let Steve go. He can be a big star but he will need work to "feel" the passion necessary and actually enjoy what he is doing -- being in the moment and letting himself go to fully enjoy the sex and the genuine passion.
NO NO NO. 70kg meat and muscles are not enough to get a porn star. How long did it take to get a boner! Hoyt is excellent as always, but Steve doesn't seem to enjoy this kind of sex. It seems hard work for him, no pleasure. Such figures turn off. Let him leave the company!
Steve is so beautiful and a natural BA boy...and Hoyt always completes the scene with his hotness....It was the awkward positions that Steve had to assume....its the first time I have notice and have been distracted by the unnatural body contortions that Steve had to assume....Steve is a keeper who will develop nicely....
Both are very beautiful!
Congratulations to BA again , again, again. Hoyt is perfect, seems stronger than before. Regarding Steve, please keep him: sexy, hot, nice muscles, wonderful .... and it seems he loves Hoyt - REALLY FANTASTIC SEX SCENE. Thanks for this nice job.
If this is Steve's best scene, as GD says, I can understand he has hesitations aubout keeping him. The scene was still enjoyable though.
At the end, i was left wondering whether this is the flat that Hoyt now shares with Christian, Helmut and Jerome. I saw the scene after Mark's and Tirsten's, which I enjoyed. However, i thought this one scored higher with its greater intimacy and sexual heat. This was mainly due to Hoyt, but Steve responded admirably in what must have been one of his first on camera sex scenes..
Two gorgeous Hunks! Just have Hoyt continue to make love to Steve in more scenes and his sexual appetite will rise faster than my cock watching these two!!
He's attractive enough - nice ass, body , pecs, cock, but that mobile mouth pretending he's enjoying it was hysterical. A real munchkin. The inane patter at the start didn't help either. As with the trailer, I found this movie to be far more about Hoyt than .... what's his name again? ... oh ya, Steve. Mmm, I agree George, I found little appetite there. A nice to have, nice to lol, naked, around the furniture on a hot Cape Town day. I expect he'd far prefer to have interacted with Mrs Kogan than with her sexy husband. And the best part for me? That cute little pile of coiffed curls at the base of his cock - too cute. I expect we wont be seeing too much more of him if this is his best.
Steve has stunning eyes and a real nice face! I bet he's very sensitive. A bit to much muscle for me. I think with goos pairing I like to see more of Steve.
I agree with lechunkymonkey, Steve is stunning and a matchup with Lars is a must GD!
Beautiful Hoyt and Steve - amazing scene !
i know it's been said before, but i'm gonna say it again: what a body and ESPECIALLY what a wonderful face What makes BELAMI a top notch place and untouchable company is especially that: THE BEAUTIFUL OUT OF THIS WORLD FACES of most of their models. the eyes, the lips, the facial features, that is EXTREMELY rare in the (disgusting) world of gay porn. BEL AMI has CLASS. BEL AMI is on a higher level of perfection. that is why, STEVE should be trained and perfected BUT KEPT !!! His face (his body and legs/feet as well) is ABSOLUTELY a marvellous wonder in itself.
I found Steve to be really impressive here. Great body and good-looking, plus he looks so much better with the longer hairdo. If Steve’s other scenes are of this high quality, I’d say there’s no doubt that we should see more of Steve. ★★★★★
I was so anxious to watch this scene, probably too much... I'm sorry to say I'm a little bit disappointed. If Hoyt is more and more self-assured, even "macho", if Steve's physical appearance is magnificent – except his ridiculous shaving and trimming, but this is not his fault – I find him too passive, almost clumsy. By another way I don't like at all his moanings and faces, unpleasant attitude. Where is Steve I love from his solos? But keep him, he is so beautiful! He will improve...
Despite of of Mr George's mysterious phrase about Steve's no less mysterious sexual appetites (which is intriguing us endlessly and being already discussed on the Forum), Steve seems to be the most priceless gem among the recent BA newbies, - a true epitome of a masculine beauty, both face and body, and a hot, sexy, lover, enthusiastic, willing, daring and fearless, eager to give and receive pleasure. His chemistry with Hoyt (who, of course, was great beyond any praisings) was just perfect, and the scene itself - a gorgeous manifestation of youth, manliness and sexual desire!
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