In this oral scene, we are giving you Jean-Luc in combination with another new Hungarian boy. We were very close to hiring him as he had lived in Las Angeles for 8 years and speaks fluent English. Unfortunately, those 8 years in LA gave him an inflated sense of self-worth. Since his financial expectations were, from our point of view unrealistic, we passed on him. Please feel free to let us know the extent of the loss. But if you feel the loss is great, don’t cry too much.
I agree SO MUCH with other commenters that fucking is NOT the be-all and end-all. Of course it's a great part of sex, but some gay couples NEVER fuck and the orgasms from sucking, licking, and jerking (like here) can be just as titanically explosive and pleasurable. ALSO: I see no need to publicly castigate or try to shame Roland just because you were unable to mutually agree on a professional relationship. Did he have "an inflated sense of self-worth"? Or was Bel Ami just being a cheap-skate preferring to pay minimum wage? The same cheap attitude that causes you to use performers as your videographers (so often with lamentable results, though not in this excellent video)? You could be polite, professional, and respectful, and just say "we wanted to hire him but were unable to mutually agree on terms." He's HOT AS HELL! I think it's a terrible shame you weren't willing to do more to keep him!
Great feelings, without fucking, like in real life; not every day is a day to fuck. But anyway I like it because the amazing orgasms of both guys.
Roland a little shy but has gorgeous eyes, sweet lips to kiss, nice body too. Would love to make love to him in private!!!
I don't know.....Roland was pretty hot and very sexy....sorry he was immature. Did he pursue this as a career? If so, maybe he's grown since he left and we can get him BACK!!!! Just a thought.
Roland would make a fine bottom...... he has beautiful eyes.......
This new boy, Roland is wonderful. Keep him, please!
A beautiful guy that's very captivating to the eyes, I can't say that there was such a uniqueness to Roland to feel as massive a loss as with some of the others. That being said, I still would love to see more of him, considering that he looks really hot with Jean-Luc. Some potential remains. He doesn't have to be an exclusive, but a filler, maybe as a bottom, would do just fine.
J Luc is simply great and hot and I hope that Roland have a chance for giving more of him with other BA boys
Roland has the cutest uncut dick in the business!
Why can't the photos be downloaded??
Roland Curtis is good-looking enough guy. But not a great beauty and his talents seem rather average. We are in Europe not in USA, this boy was too pretentious, not a gret loss!!! Jean-Luc is absolutely gorgeous and looks like being more self confident! 5* for him! A pity we can't download the images! Why?
Jean: There are no taboos. That explains everything. Nobody taugh us to kiss, we do, causing ourselves to melt in the bliss of feelings. Nobody taught us to reach for his crotch. We do. Nobody taught us to lap butt. But, we do. All, everything is with us at birth. The kiss, the suck, the fuck, all natural, honest, sincere because, that's who we are, doing what is instinctive. And good. No taboos.
No big loss -- the guy has an underdeveloped chest & shoulders. Jean Luc is much cuter, although he could use some weight training as well to thicken up his chest. Really like JL's hair style in this scene as opposed to some of the more recent scenes that I have seen of him.
Roland's cute enough. He is a sensitive kisser but his oral skills are somewhat basic in comparison to JL's expert ministrations. He could use a bit more chest definition & I'm not particularly attracted to his overly scuplted pubes. It's hard to get too excited about him having read GD's comments that we won't see any more of him. As geoffrey27 says, if there are 70 freshmen in the pipeline, I guess he's only a small loss to the franchise.
@safinator76 - I KNEW I had seen Roland before, and it was indeed in the quickie where he posed as Kevin's English teacher. Roland is very cute, and I certainly wouldn't mind seeing him again, but Jean Luc was almost exclusively my focus.
Jean Luc is a real sexy beauty! ***** 
A bad move there by Roland! With 70 freshmen in the pipeline, he is far from indispensable, and certainly not in the same class as adorable Jean-Luc, although he did well enough...
So, Roland is gone. The best part is that Jean-Luc is still here with BA. Yessss!
that's impossible renounce a this so handsome boy, Roland is cute with splendid face, a slim and harmonious body, a cute ass and kiss with the toungue that is a pleaasure, i try to get back this boy for see again in sex action as a bottom with any of better boys of Belami
I think Roland Curtis appeared in a quickie some time ago as Kevin's english teacher, am I right? When I saw him in that quickie I immediately fell in love with him and was expecting to see him in sex scenes. I think he is very cute (very attractive face) and that he could have been an awesome BA star, because he has got everything we can expect in a BA model. I feel so sad we won't see him anymore
Just love Jean-Luc, so cute........!
I would like to watch more of Roland. He is able to be developed...It's a pity that you decided against him. ...and JL is getting a master
Roland is good-looking, but no major loss. BA made the right decision not to break the bank over him. Should he be paid more than his counter-part in the scene, for example, JL? No way! If Roland manages to find a studio that will pay him significantly more, which I’m dubious of, good luck to him.
This is a handsome couple and I think they both perform well. Jean-Luc being the star of course. Roland is cute enough and seems very pleasant, but I'd better not get attached to him as obviously there will be not that much material with him. You don't feel too much loss with someone you hardley got to know, Fortunately we get to know Jean-Luc better with every episode, he seems a bit naughty at the end of the introduction, cheeky in wanting to tell more than Roland does. We already know Jean-Luc is quite verbal, very curious to know what he will tell us in the future.
Jean-Luc Bisset. I have no more to add *heart beats uncontrollably*
Roland Curtis is attractive, and his performance is good. But he is not worth paying him more than other similar models. So, no loss. Jean Luc, as always, was the beautiful star of the show! 5 stars for him.
Well, I'm not going to mourn the loss of Roland Curtis bitterly, - he's a cute kid, but I've seen cuter ones (and not so thin, BTW), he's sexy, but all the Hungarian boys are firery in bed. The real star of the show was JL, anyway, - a gorgeous feline beauty and already a truly exquisite lover.
Difficult to quantify the loss after one Oral scene and nothing more. His self-esteem will take him somewhere else, maybe. No problems, no regrets. This week I gave to the three videos, fifteen stars in total.