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Ashton, Tom & Jerome (Issue #240)

Ashton Montana is living his life to the fullest both during the day and at night. After a party, he is fortunate to be woken up by two of our sexiest guys: Tom Houston and Jerome Exupery. Tom and Jerome are Ashton‘s closest friends amongst the boys and know exactly what he likes. This morning he desperately needs two cocks to help him recover. Tom and Jerome service his friend‘s mouth and ass at the same time, swapping roles and switching positions until they reward Ashton with two sticky loads.

Tom's official 'debut' is coming a little later, so we could also call this scene a bit of a 'Tom Teaser'.



u***** - 04/26/2024 7:22

This a fantastic scene with passionate sex clearly enjoyed by all three beautiful young men. And who was the initiator and the glue who brought it all together? Jerome! How can so many disparage him He is the catalyst for so many scenes, you gotta love him!

B***** - 04/15/2024 2:37

Porque será que Jerome e Elun nunca foderam um com o outtro?

s***** - 12/07/2021 21:57

Tom is a beauty out of this world

A***** - 11/27/2021 21:43

All of the three models are amazing, but Tom is top!

E***** - 05/14/2021 6:22

More of Tom please! Like others, I find Jerome irritating. He used to be a bit of fun, but Helmut was always the main man! I love the word "smouldering" to describe Tom. I love him with Ashton, but would love to see him with Kyro and John Leto and other new boys. There seem to be pics of Tom with Freddy McQueen.......will we ever see Freddy on BelAmi or Freshmen?

j***** - 05/14/2021 4:39

That Aston is taller than Jerome, he is a tall handsome one.

t***** - 05/13/2021 14:47

Jerome & Ashton did fine, but poor Tom really seemed like an afterthought in this scene. That’s a pity and I really hope he’s more the focus in future scenes.

g***** - 05/13/2021 1:40

Ashton loves being fucked so let's let him enjoy it. Tom will get more confident on screen - he is strikingly handsome. Jerome did well.

s***** - 05/12/2021 12:57

This time I am against the mean stream. I've never been particularly fond of Jerome, but I have to say this time he's the only saviour of this scene. Tom looks a cute guy, who can deny that, but he looks clumsy, unexperienced and even a bit detached from what's happening. He even almost refuses to kiss Ashton, in spite of his efforts. I hope he'll improve his skills in the next scenes, but his past scenes aren't that promising. I hope I'll be wrong, of course, but from what I've also seen on cam I'm a bit pessimistic.

a***** - 05/12/2021 3:53

This would have been a better scene with just Tom and Ashton.

J***** - 05/12/2021 0:04

Strongly agree with tommyscott: wants to see Ashton also as Top. It's mutch hotter to see the guys in versatile action!

C***** - 05/11/2021 23:19

Sexy, all three of them!

a***** - 05/11/2021 22:42

Tom and Ashton make a handsome duo. Especially like the closeup of Tom’s beautiful dark cock fucking Ashton and Ashton’s mouth salivating on Tom’s terrific tree. More Tom!!!

w***** - 05/11/2021 22:35

Sexy, smouldering Tom is very much the star of this scene.

a***** - 05/11/2021 18:24

Sounds good, kinda look forward to Tom, pleaes don't let us wait too long.

t***** - 05/11/2021 17:51

Tom is a wonder, more of him ! I like Jerome; will Ashton ever top? It is boring not have any surprise of a flipflop. Pair him with Leto and see what comes out. A pity his new haircut... but hair grows and he is delicious

r***** - 05/11/2021 17:34

Quite why it was considered necessary to include Jerome in a scene with two perfectly adequately endowed and gorgeous young men, I don't know. Enough Jerome already. In spite of Jerome, (not because of him) Tom is the next devastating thing. Jorik. Tom. Yannis. Bruce - come guys! Let's make movie. Let's make cum!

a***** - 05/11/2021 16:18

Ohhh please...can we sign a paper to send Kevin and Jerome at least in pension.this video should have been only with Ashton and Tom and not withgranpa jerome.

i***** - 05/11/2021 16:15

@ acquarello: si tacuisse philosophus mansisses

a***** - 05/11/2021 14:29

Video in an unwatchable darkness, 1 star to the antiquated conceptuality of the cameraman shooting a desperate scene. 5 stars to the boys.

J***** - 05/11/2021 13:25

Very frustrating that Jerome is here in a dirty kitchen of all places to show Tom and Ashton together. Disappointing! I want to see Tom and Ashton, together, alone , in a bed having crazy sex. Instead we get this BS. Very, very waste of an opportunity.

S***** - 05/11/2021 12:55

Oh no! Another scene with the irritating Jerome. He always seems to be trying to be the centre of attention. Also, isn't he a bit old for Freshman?

p***** - 05/11/2021 12:37

BA you've been "teasing" us with Tom forever!! More of Tom soon, please

s***** - 05/11/2021 12:26

SUPERB!!! Ultra-plus-sexy. > one walks in on a naked horny sleeping boy hungering for a bueno-bumsen. Tom - so very very delicious Ashoton - immer Geil and the yummy Prince Jerome

t***** - 05/11/2021 12:10

Did Tom and Ashton really need Jerome of all people? It took BA 5-6 years to give us a vid of Helmut and Hoyt I hope the same doesn't happen to Tom and Ashton

B***** - 05/11/2021 10:12

Wow finally a new scene with Tom. With Ashton & Jerome. Wow !!!

b***** - 05/11/2021 9:08

I am glad to finally see another scene with Tom, love that boy. Will see him bottoming one day?


John & Jens
Helmut & Damian
Nate & Liam
Bastian & Tommy
Christian & Bruce
Timothy & Giulio
Jack, Kevin & Jeff
Back to Greece part 4
Paul & Jon