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Mario  (Issue #56)



Here is our preview of a Slovak boy who will go by the Nom de porn Mario Texiera. I’ll refrain from a lengthy comment as you will get more information in his interview and solo. Suffice to say he is a beguiling combination of passion and shyness.


M***** - 09/24/2021 2:27

absolutely perfect

b***** - 04/12/2019 8:03

He is perfect as is & a great addition to the site!

x***** - 02/13/2018 22:52


a***** - 02/05/2018 19:16

more mario please...

m***** - 12/05/2017 9:18

This newcomer Mario Texeira is amazing hot, like his smooth chest, body, great nipples and huge manpiece. His uncut cock is so huge !!! Hope to see Mario in a bareback video soon at Freshman

t***** - 11/29/2017 17:55

fall in love with him....

s***** - 11/08/2017 11:57

I like him

J***** - 11/06/2017 23:45

This beautiful man, naked in water, is a joy to behold!

w***** - 11/03/2017 20:36

These, together with the "quickie," make me believe this guy is gonna be a star!

g***** - 11/03/2017 11:27

Mario has a beautiful body and delightful smile. The butt is gorgeous, and should inspire Adam in their scene together next week.

J***** - 11/03/2017 1:56

What a handsome face, dazzling teeth, lovely cock and mouth-watering asshole! Some subscribers are so eager to find fault, AS IF they had a snowball's chance in hell of ever bedding anyone beautiful enough to appear on the Belami site!

D***** - 11/02/2017 14:12

VERY nice! Hot body, hot face, highly fuckable!

P***** - 11/01/2017 3:13

Nice body. The face not so much.

p***** - 11/01/2017 1:47

I like! *****

g***** - 11/01/2017 1:13

ear-"jewelry" (brrrrrr) and absolutely too heavily, I'm sorry!

b***** - 10/31/2017 17:54

I agree with Sidemoon, not so appealing in this photo set, way more appealing in next week's scene together with Adam.

N***** - 10/31/2017 17:51

He's certainly one of those guys who facially at least, looks very different from one photo to another, It will be interesting to see if he is more consistent on video. Nice body though and glad to see he's well trimmed and doesn't have a hairy hole.

S***** - 10/31/2017 16:03

At some pics the boy looks absolutely stunning, at others - not so stunning at all. I suppose that this is that kind of beauty that is made for watching it in motion, not on stills.

c***** - 10/31/2017 15:52

I like him a lot!

L***** - 10/31/2017 15:25

Mario is looking sexy and handsome with a very friendly presence - can´t see anything being wrong with him. Waiting to see the interview with him.

o***** - 10/31/2017 10:13

Nice enough. Great body! Too trimmed and these earings...Wait to see him in action...

t***** - 10/31/2017 9:15

Mario has a nice body, but my praises don’t go beyond that, I’m afraid. JLW9103, the standards of BA/freshmen are exceedingly above just simply being sexually desirable. You JLW9103 may think Mario is just as handsome as someone like Helmut or Adam, but I certainly don’t. If I was judging Mario based on his body alone, he’d certainly get a pass from me. However, it isn’t as one dimensional as that. Also, JLW9103, your comment seems to suggest that you think all BA/freshmen members who don’t see Mario as being a future BA star, or don’t like models you find attractive are ugly. What a ridiculous generalisation!


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