It is time for your first look at Pip Caulfield. Kevin's reaction was thus: It may be another Kevin Warhol as he seems to be a lot like me. That is an overstatement as Kevin is certainly unique. However, they both possess the same levels of sexuality, good humour, and positive energy.
I have been remiss with Pip here since I have not commented about him but have been everywhere else singing praises. If there be perfection, for me, Pip fills the bill. Love him.
Pip is very photogenic, handsome and beautiful. Can't wait to see him in action.
Pip's hairstyle in these photos enhances his attractiveness. He is very cute & his chest/nipples are very erotic. For my taste, however, you need to please shave that ass. If I wanted to see that much hair, I would be a Falcon subscriber. Pip would look infinitely better with a smooth & tan ass.
Pip is areal PIP. Oh that butt covered in peach fuzz. Suddenly have a longing for fresh peaches.
Cute and again a stunning Freshmen twink. Enough newbies to watch the rest of the year on Freshmen.
Totally stunning.
wonderful wonderful wonderful!!!!!!!!! cute cute cute!!!!! perfect boy for Freshmen, i love Pip as soon as i have see
What a Dream-Boy!!! Please give us so many scenses of him like from Kevin!!!
I think he is as cute as unique. But I have to agree to Sidemoons comment in the preview last week, there is a bit of resemblance to Florian.
So cuuute! When will he start a movie? I can't wait longer...
Pip is a lovely and likeable young man, but one can't really judge anyone's potential as a sexual performer on the basis of images alone. There has, of course, never been, and never will be, anyone quite like Kevin...
Sooo cute!!! I like everything about Pip!! *****
Pip is rather typical looking.
A Wonder named Pip!!!
Pip is simply gorgeous, stunning, beautiful...........
A really beautiful boy with fantastic almond-shapen eyes and elegant body of an Ancient Greek kuros.