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Pip  (Issue #35)



It is time for your first look at Pip Caulfield. Kevin's reaction was thus: It may be another Kevin Warhol as he seems to be a lot like me. That is an overstatement as Kevin is certainly unique. However, they both possess the same levels of sexuality, good humour, and positive energy.


m***** - 12/26/2020 19:38

I have been remiss with Pip here since I have not commented about him but have been everywhere else singing praises. If there be perfection, for me, Pip fills the bill. Love him.

b***** - 06/19/2017 13:00

Pip is very photogenic, handsome and beautiful. Can't wait to see him in action.

t***** - 06/09/2017 9:51

Pip's hairstyle in these photos enhances his attractiveness. He is very cute & his chest/nipples are very erotic. For my taste, however, you need to please shave that ass. If I wanted to see that much hair, I would be a Falcon subscriber. Pip would look infinitely better with a smooth & tan ass.

j***** - 06/09/2017 4:30

Pip is areal PIP. Oh that butt covered in peach fuzz. Suddenly have a longing for fresh peaches.

H***** - 06/07/2017 9:19

Cute and again a stunning Freshmen twink. Enough newbies to watch the rest of the year on Freshmen.

g***** - 06/07/2017 8:15

Totally stunning.

m***** - 06/06/2017 23:26

wonderful wonderful wonderful!!!!!!!!! cute cute cute!!!!! perfect boy for Freshmen, i love Pip as soon as i have see

J***** - 06/06/2017 21:57

What a Dream-Boy!!! Please give us so many scenses of him like from Kevin!!!

m***** - 06/06/2017 20:28

I think he is as cute as unique. But I have to agree to Sidemoons comment in the preview last week, there is a bit of resemblance to Florian.

a***** - 06/06/2017 18:52

So cuuute! When will he start a movie? I can't wait longer...

g***** - 06/06/2017 18:19

Pip is a lovely and likeable young man, but one can't really judge anyone's potential as a sexual performer on the basis of images alone. There has, of course, never been, and never will be, anyone quite like Kevin...

p***** - 06/06/2017 18:12

Sooo cute!!! I like everything about Pip!! *****

t***** - 06/06/2017 18:05

Pip is rather typical looking.

o***** - 06/06/2017 11:02

A Wonder named Pip!!!

S***** - 06/06/2017 10:56

Pip is simply gorgeous, stunning, beautiful...........

S***** - 06/06/2017 10:19

A really beautiful boy with fantastic almond-shapen eyes and elegant body of an Ancient Greek kuros. ))))))))))


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