Roland almost has it all: a cute face, a taut body, a big dick. It is one of our greatest misfortunes that the one thing he lacked was a desire to shoot porn. We only managed to film three solos with him and an attempted blowjob with Jean-Luc before he decided to call it quits. This interview and solo is the last you will see of him. We hope you enjoy reluctant and sexy guest star, Roland Curtis.
Hardly an "amazing" cumshot but he is a very sexy and self-assured guy. He knows what he wants, I love it! Nice to see a young guy so fully in touch with his body's pleasure and with such a mature understanding of what he wants and what he's ready for now (or not, like a relationship, or shooting porn for a company that apparently doesn't pay enough or perhaps doesn't recognize what an impressive performer this guy could be). Very mature for his age. Too many young guys get stuck in relationships because they think they're supposed to and it doesn't work out happily. Good relationships are worth the wait (I speak from experience).
Absolout stunning, cumshot amazing.
Such a pity to see him go he is sooo cute. He is imaginative knows how to act and would make a great film director
WOW, amazing charisma!! He really stands out from the crowd, not just because he's a total cutie and hottie
There's something extraordinarily sensual about him. Hope he's safe and healthy in these crazy & cruel times. PS - Where are the other 2 solos, since @bwjant mentioned there were 3?
boring and shaved
The Scene With Jean-Luc is Way at the beginning of FM. Scene 10_3.
So was Roland reluctant or ambitious. Because the story seems crossed. I guess you can say whatever you want once a model leaves. All the more whenever one who's a newbie can so easily be physically perceived as reluctant? Oh well, 70 more cumin in? I guess it's no great loss in the big scheme of things.Bound to have a star or two in that crowd.
Such a sensual sexy young man. Because he is no longer with BA I could care less about the interview and skipped right to the solo part. What an amazing solo performance! I echo the sentiments below. So sad he did not wish to do more. He could have been a real star! But I respect his right to do otherwise and wish him the best.
Mi piacerebbe tanto spompinare Roland.
Roland is handsome, seductive and very sensual in this solo. It is a real pity we won’t see more of him but I am glad we at least have his four episodes to cherish, three solo’s and his oral scene with Jean-Luc. Worth rewatching often!
Very seductive. I wonder what stopped him from going on?
For someone who didn't want to shoot porn he puts on an extremely erotic performance. Was he just not into man on man sex?
Bye-bye ravishing puppy!!! Understand you don't want do porn with other boys… just a pity for us… but hope you are happy where you are and what you do now… acquarello happy you back an read your comments again even I' m not agree always with you..
where is the scene with Jean-Luc?
Obviously I rated 5 stars for this lovely boy really delicious.
I find Roland to be quite sexy, with a nice lithe body & an appetizing dick. He also showed himself to be a passionate kisser in his oral scene with Jean Luc. I would have liked to watch him in a few more scenes. Oh, well.......
Disappointed for sure, but, their will be more cuties and beauties as we go forward. Thanks for your contribution Roland, you will be missed.
If I remember well it was you who thought that his attitude was the problem. And now you are writing he didn’t wanted to go on... interesting!
Bummed out that this is the last we will see of him, which makes me less inclined to watch the full clip, although I ALWAYS found Roland HOT and wanted to see Adam or Rhys fuck the hell out of him. PS - Hate his hair here with the shaved militaristic cut on the sides. Yuk.
Either I get senile, but I remember you wrote years ago that he wants too much money for it?