Knowing Tom Houston and Bart Cuban as we do, it's not surprising to discover that they decided to continue exploring one another after their first steamy session. Now it’s time to swap roles and let Bart focus his full attention on Tom’s gorgeous ass. After their towels drop to the floor, we are ready for round two. Tom and Bart are both excellent lovers and their flip-flop videos are never less than pleasing to the eye.
you have an 18 minute video and we never REALLY saw Bart’s amazing, beatiful butt--how can that be??? how can you film this gorgeous man for 18 minutes and not show off one of his best assets? doesn’t make sense,,,,
I will More seen with Tom
Time between scenes? To me it is obvious:- sex makes your hair grow. If only that were true for pubes.Again, lots of love to both. PS: Luke should be barred from holding any grooming implement other than a comb.
Both are so gorgeous, I don't mind how long between scenes as long as we get more
I can not decide if I prefer Tomko as top or as bottom, so please FM, more scenes with Tomko in future 😃
@tokyoexpress - there are no dates mentioned here at all. but as a little hint, all of our flipflop scenes are filmed over multiple days to ensure that you get decent money shots in each part. In can be the next day, the next week or even the next month...
I would have loved a bit more sexy cuddling at the end. What gay or bi man could resist Tom's love of cock?
Yes, Tom always has nice cock with lovely ass to fuck too.
@tokyoexpress All scenes have an element of fantasy. That's the name of the game in porn.
Great scene but really don’t understand why you have to lie about the video recording dates!! Is obvious a gap of at least few months! Please treat your subscribers better and with respect!
A great scene. I love Tom with longer shaggier hair ........ strange that Pt 1 Tom has short hair and Pt 2 has longer/shaggier hair which I prefer. This suggests Part 2 made before Part 1!!!!! Still want to see Tom with Helmut, please, please!
I LOVE Tom! Bring him on with Ashton and Helmut
Great video, Tom Houston is wonderful!